Financial Aid + Scholarships

The School of Art is dedicated to helping students explore all financial scholarship opportunities the school offers in support of their art education.


Undergraduate Current Student Scholarships

Apply Now  Deadline March 1

The School of Art offers both renewable and non-renewable (one-time) scholarships. Each program area has additional materials that students should submit depending on their degree plan. These may include a resume, artist’s statement, cover letter, and/or portfolio of works.

Renewable scholarships require students to complete a Diversity Statement. Aspects of diversity that may be considered include, but are not limited to, membership in an underrepresented ethnic or minority group, being an underrepresented student with a demonstrated interest in a particular field of study, being from an underrepresented county of the state, an underrepresented state or country, status as a first-generation college student, is a student with a disability, or a student engaging in justice, equity, access, diversity and inclusion efforts. However, no single factor shall be determinative.

Each application will be considered on an individual basis, taking into account the applicant’s potential contribution to academic excellence, their artistic work, and a diverse educational environment at the University. 

Students are encouraged to submit their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by March 1st at to be reviewed alongside a student's scholarship application for financial consideration.

Please locate the specific requirements from the following options depending on your degree program and upload the corresponding documents in PDF format.

Current Student Scholarship Application Materials Required for all scholarship applicants:

  • Questions about your Academic Program
  • Diversity Statement: How will you promote diversity, equity, and inclusion at the University of Arkansas and School of Art? Are there organizations, events, or personal events, that have expanded your role or thinking about diversity, equity, and inclusion? Tell us your story. Limit is 500 words maximum.
  • Optional Statement: Is there anything else you would like to share with the SOA Scholarship Review Board? What things do you do outside of your academics? Do you work at a job, volunteer at a local organization, take care of siblings, play a sport, or participate in a music group, etc.? We want to hear about you! Limit is 500 words maximum.
  • Cover Letter: The cover letter should detail the following: experience in art history, any specific areas of interest, what draws you to the major, how you hope to apply your studies in art history after graduation (in the field of art history or otherwise), along with any additional information you think pertinent.
  • Artist/Academic Resume: Please include a minimum of: your year, major(s) (if double), GPA, and any relevant work experience. Add 

  • Portfolio: Sophomores must submit 5 examples of recent studio work, Juniors and Seniors must submit 10 examples of recent studio work.
  • Teaching Philosophy: Required of Seniors in PDF format only.
  • Personal Statement: Required of Sophomores and Juniors in PDF format only. Please provide a statement that includes your personal background and motivation for pursuing art education.
  • Professional Resume: Required of Juniors/Seniors in PDF format only.

  • Portfolio: Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors must share 10 recent works.
  • Graphic Design Statement: Share an example or a description of how you contribute positively to the community of the graphic design program. Limit to 500 words in PDF format.
  • Professional Resume: Students should submit a professional resume in PDF format.

  • Professional Resume (Sophomore/Juniors/Seniors): Please provide a professional resume in PDF format.
  • Artist Statement (Sophomores/Juniors/Seniors): Provide an Artist Statement in PDF format.
  • Portfolio: If you wish to be considered for a merit-based scholarship, you are required to present a portfolio appropriate to your degree path and level. Submit 10 examples of studio work.


Conference Travel Fund Application

Undergraduate Application  

Graduate Application  

Undergraduate and graduate students interested in attending a professional conference related to their field of study in Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 may apply for School of Art scholarship consideration by March 31, 2025. Applicants must provide a proposal of their opportunity, current resume, anticipated budget, and anticipated dates for the committee to review.

Please Note:

This fund cannot be used to pay tuition or fees. If a student has a remaining tuition or fee balance on their UA Connect account, then their award will go towards paying that balance first. As a result they, might receive less funding than they applied for and will need to use their own personal funds to make up the difference.

Funding is limited and when funds are exhausted, awards are not made. First-time students are prioritized over students who have already received awards. Students who are presenting at a conference will be prioritized over students who are not presenting.

Examples of conferences to apply to attend include (but are not limited to) the following:


Summer Funding

Opens fall semester

Current School of Art students may apply for funding a summer opportunity at each year. The application is open to both undergraduate and graduate current students in the arts who would be returning the following semester. Applicants may apply for funding which supports either a self-initiated or organization-led opportunity with an educational or professional focus.

The Summer Opportunity Funding Application is due on December 1st. Applicants must submit a proposal of opportunity, current resume, anticipated budget, and opportunity timeline for consideration. For more information, please reach out to our Scholarships & Awards Coordinator, Kim Crowell.

Studying abroad is oftentimes a highlight of a student's academic career, but the benefits extend beyond graduation day. International travel and study shapes a lifetime by building a more nuanced worldview; by showing that there is value in each experience; and by honing invaluable skills, such as intercultural communication, resiliency, and adaptability. Convinced yet? Let us help you take your education abroad! Your future self with thank you.

Preparing to study abroad can be a long process, but it is part of the journey. This can look different for every student and may be influenced by your class status (freshman, sophomore, etc.), major, personal interests, program type, and destination.

Looking at the big picture can help you understand what can be a long journey! Here's an overview of what to expect along the way.

Our Art students have traveled to Italy, Ghana, England, Finland, Japan, and more! 

Visit the Study Abroad page for more info.

Self-initiated Opportunities are defined as opportunities created by or discovered by the applicant. Self-initiated opportunities further a student’s degree and/or post-graduation goals. These may include travel or non-travel summer opportunities. 

Organization-led opportunities are defined as opportunities hosted or coordinated by an established organization. These might include university programs, such as the U of A Rome Center, or external partnerships which students have attended in the past such as

  • Penland School of Crafts
  • Arrowmont
  • Women’s Studio Workshop
  • Mt. Gretna School of Art
  • Ox-Bow Summer Workshops and Residencies
  • Red Lodge Clay Center
  • Watershed
  • Chautauqua Visual Arts
  • Frogman’s Print Workshops
  • New York Studio School
  • Yale Norfolk School of Art
  • Thrive Design Internship
  • The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Internship
  • Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture.

Organization-led opportunities must also advance degree and/or post-graduation goals. Note that some of these opportunities have additional application requirements and competitive selection processes outside of the School of Art’s process. 

  • Eligible students must submit their application through by December 1st. Completed applications which are submitted on time will be given to their respective review committees. Applicants should receive notice of their summer award or if they have not been selected for a summer award, by mid-January. 
  • Domestic travel will require all travel details to be submitted at least one month prior to domestic departure. International travel must be registered with and approved by the Study Aboard office. If approved, international travel details must be submitted at least two months prior to anticipated departure. Applicants are recommended to consider these deadlines as they build their opportunity timelines. 
  • Those who do not receive summer awards should research other funding sources to support their desired summer opportunity. Those who receive a scholarship or travel award offer letter must accept their offers by March 1st. Offer letters with no response by the deadline will be considered declinations. 
  • Scholarship award recipients will receive 50% of their summer award prior to their anticipated departure and/or start date to assist in their awarded opportunity planning. If traveling, student travel request forms must be submitted at least one month prior to domestic or at least two months prior to international departure dates. Whether traveling or not, students not enrolled in summer courses must submit their forms by early April to avoid delays. Finally, students must ensure that their account balances are at zero by the time of award processing, as scholarship first cover existing balances. 
  • To receive the remaining 50% of the summer award, recipients must complete a post-travel survey with sufficient receipts and at least one shareable photo. Failure to meet this deadline will result in the remaining award being reallocated. Recipients must follow directions and deadlines as stated in their award letters. 
  • Travel award recipients should have most pre-travel expenses purchased through the University of Arkansas and School of Art via purchasing card or invoice (please see Cayla Jones for those processes). If traveling, student travel request forms must be submitted either one month prior to domestic or two months prior to international departure dates.  


Emergency Funding

Apply Now  

Need-based assistance to current undergraduate and graduate students that are School of Art majors with unforeseen financial emergencies beyond their control that hinders their abilities to continue in school. A typical award will not exceed $500.
These funds are not intended to be used for routine expenses or as a consistent financial supplement. Emergency situations could include but are not limited to: emergency medical bills for self, death or serious illness of a parent, spouse or child, housing fire/ flood, or other extenuating circumstances. This fund cannot be used to provide tuition/fee support.
To be eligible for consideration, students must:
  • Be enrolled at least 3 credit hours in the semester for which the funds are requested.
  • Be in good academic standing.
  • Have experienced an unexpected or unanticipated financial emergency that puts the student's education at risk.
Please Note:

  • This fund cannot be used to pay tuition or fees.
  • This fund does not prepay expenses. Applicants must submit receipts demonstrating payment for the emergency (e.g., dental bill, vehicle repair). For medical procedures, please submit the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) provided by the insurance company).
  • Funding is limited and when funds are exhausted, awards are not made. First-time students are prioritized over students who have already received awards. Students can apply for the School of Art Emergency Fund once per academic year.

For questions about the Emergency Fund, please reach out to our Scholarships & Awards Coordinator, Kim Crowell.


Summer Art Course Scholarship

Apply Now

The UA School of Art Summer Art Class Scholarship is a non-renewable (one-time) scholarship for the summer 2025 term only. Students can apply for $1,000-$3,000 to assist with tuition and fees for one summer Art course taught through the University of Arkansas and School of Art.

Each application will be considered on an individual basis, taking into account the applicant’s potential contribution to academic excellence and a diverse educational environment at the University. These scholarships are open to Art and Non-Art majors.

Students will be notified by April 4, 2025 via email. Questions can be directed to Scholarship and Awards Coordinator Kim Crowell at

Scholarships will be entered by the School of Art in April once the priority enrollment period has ended. We will check to see if students have enrolled in their Art courses at that time before entering the scholarship. If a student withdraws from the Art course(s), the scholarship will be cancelled and the funds returned to the School of Art.

Are you a future student looking for financial aid and scholarship opportunities?

Learn more here



Spring Scholarship Deadlines:

March 1

Current Student Scholarship

March 21

Summer Art Course Scholarship

March 31

Conference Scholarhip

Apply Now

More Information

Fulbright College Scholarships & Fellowships

Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid

Future Student Financial Aid + Scholarships


Kim Crowell
Scholarship + Awards Coordinator